Honey Production Kit


Honey Production Kit


Why honey production?

Not only is honey rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it also has countless medicinal properties - it can help treat eczema, infection, digestive problems and much more, as well as boosting children’s immunity and energy.

Plus, you’ll be providing a family with a sustainable income, helping them buy food and other essentials for their children.

What will your gift do?

This kit has everything an aspiring beekeeper needs, from a hive and a group of bees (queen included) to protective suits and training. 

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Struggling to Support Their Family (1/2)

Aja and her husband have 11 children, all under 16 years old. The family live in a village in Gambia, in a tiny mud house without a proper roof or beds. Aja's husband works as a labourer, carrying cement on his head for less than £5 a day, and going for weeks without any work at all. Occasionally, Aja manages to get work washing clothes, earning £1-£2 a month. They were struggling to feed their children one meal a day on this meagre income.

Empowering Women and Their Families (2/2)

Honey is very expensive in Gambia, and a simple honeycomb kit can transform the life of a poor family. A generous donor set up a beekeeping farm in Aja's village, empowering women like Aja to earn a sustainable income through selling honey. Thanks to this amazing livelihood project, Aja can afford food and medicine for her children and she can send them to school. Their daily lives have been transformed. Aja said, 'I want to thank you for this wonderful project - it is changing my children's lives'.

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