
Your charity gives hope

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “And whoever gives a Muslim water to drink when there is no water available, it is as if he brought him back to life.” [Ibn Majah]

97% of Gaza's water is now unfit for consumption. Donate today to provide safe water for life (Sadaqah Jariyah) to the people of Gaza, amidst renewed violence and devastation. Muslim Hands' partners on the ground are constructing three solar-powered water wells and three reverse osmosis desalination plants. This large-scale £690,000 project, will provide 30,000 people with a reliable supply of safe water daily. 

£40 (2 people with water for life)

£100 (5 people with water for life)

£200 (10 people with water for life)

£500 (25 people with water for life)

£1,000 (50 people with water for life)

Provide clean fresh water for life today.

 * Last updated 18th March 2025