Your charity gives hope
Qurbani - Sri Lanka

Gift your sponsored orphan with the meat from your Qurbani during Eid al-Adha.
We source animals from local farmers who provide us with fresh, halal, non-stunned meat, which in turn supports the local economy. Your Qurbani will be made after the Eid Salah and the meat will be distributed to the orphan you are sponsoring, as well as their family, bringing them joy during the days of Eid al-Adha.
You will receive feedback on how your donations have eliminated the hardship many orphans and widows face this Eid, in sha Allah.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This donation item is only for donors who are already sponsoring an orphan with Muslim Hands. We are only implementing this project in certain locations.
If you have not already been contacted, please reach out to our Orphan Sponsorships team via or call us on 0115 911 7222 to find out if your orphan qualifies for this project.