
Your charity gives hope

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, And whoever gives a Muslim water to drink when there is no water available, it is as if he brought him back to life. [Ibn Majah]  

Donate today to provide safe water to the people of Gaza: 

£50 – safe water for 500 people (each person receives 1.6 litres of safe water)

£100 – safe water for 1,000 people (each person receives 1.6 litres of safe water)

£250 – safe water for 2,500 people (each person receives 1.6 litres of safe water)

£500 – safe water for 5,000 people (each person receives 1.6 litres of safe water)

£1,000 – safe water for 10,000 people (each person receives 1.6 litres of safe water)

Before the war, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza had access to just 80 litres of water per day. The international standard for daily human consumption is 100 litres per day. Today, 97% of Gaza’s water is unfit for human consumption. This means that Gazans are only receiving 1.6 litres of drinking water per day. To put that into perspective, it takes 6 litres of water to flush a toilet and 4 litres of water to wash your hands properly. Three litres is the bare minimum amount of water a person needs to drink each day to avoid dehydration. 

Our partner UNRWA has delivered over 23,527,000 litres of safe water in Gaza so far through water tankers and bottled water. Please continue to donate to provide lifesaving clean water to the people of Gaza. 

* To ensure transparency, please be advised that these numbers are subject to change as the situation continues to evolve.

(Last updated on 12th July 2024)