Playing Your Part in History: How You've Helped Preserve Masjid Al-Aqsa

Masjid Al-Aqsa holds a special place in the hearts of all Muslims. It is the second oldest Masjid on planet Earth*, the first Qiblah of the Muslims, and the Masjid and its surroundings have been directly blessed by Allah [Noble Qur’an, 17:1]

We have had the honour of supporting the Noble Sanctuary since 2008 and we want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing donors who have made it all possible through their Sadaqah donations. It has been an extraordinary journey and though we may not be able to visit Al-Aqsa ourselves, hundreds of Muslims are praying and worshipping in this historic Masjid every day, all of whom are benefitting from your generosity.
Take a look at what you’ve helped us achieve:
PA system:
Many of us may never be able to hear the adhan at Al-Aqsa or stand behind its imam; but your donations are helping other worshippers benefit from these blessings. In 2008, you funded the installation of a new PA system, allowing the adhan, khutbah and general announcements to reach all parts of the mosque. In 2025, you are once again funding important updates to the mosque's sound system across the whole Masjid Al-Aqsa compound, including the Dome of the Rock Masjid, ensuring that Tarawih prayers in Ramadan are being amplified across the entire complex (reaching up to 400,000 worshippers a night!). You can still be a part of this project if you haven't given already.
Paving Stones:
It is important to maintain the structure and appearance of Masjid Al-Aqsa as it holds Islamic and historical significance. In 2008, your support allowed us to lay paving stones in the mosque complex, restoring its dignified appearance and smoothing the path for worshippers.

Internal Lighting:
A well-lit mosque is necessary for worshippers to be able to read Qur’an and other materials. Additionally, the historic beauties of this blessed Masjid deserve to be seen and admired.
- In 2016, your generosity helped light the Khataniyyah Library and the basement area, so people no longer had to worship and study in dim light. You also provided spotlights in the Dome of the Rock, illuminating its intricate mosaics and incredible workmanship for the first time in decades.
- Between 2019-2022, we were able to install a brand new, state of the art lighting system in the Grand Prayer Hall of the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa (known as al-Masjid al-Qibali – The Qiblah Masjid). The Qibali Masjid holds up to 5,000 worshippers. The electricity system was last changed in 1986 and had not been renovated since. The lighting was very dim and due to the cables being so old, there was a huge risk of them catching fire. Through your donations we were able to rewire the entire Masjid, install hundreds of new spotlights, and upgrade the sound system and associated equipment, benefitting up to 5,000 worshippers daily.

External Lighting:
- In 2016, you provided lights for the eastern boundary wall of the complex.
- In 2018, your donations allowed us to install extensive outdoor lighting in the courtyard used by many of our sisters worshipping at Al-Aqsa, not only enabling people to visit the masjid in safety, but also illuminating the beauty of the complex at night.
- In 2023, you lit up the Marwani yards of the Masjid Al-Aqsa compound. Many of the old lights were damaged, but with the 120 new spotlights installed, the hundreds of worshippers that pass through this area each night can see their way.
These initiatives have been inspired by the Hadith in which the Prophet ﷺ encouraged us to gift oil to the lamps of Al-Aqsa and, in doing so, earn the reward of praying there. This Hadith is directly interpreted as supporting the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa and its people, making your contributions not only a means of providing light but also an act of devotion deeply rooted in our tradition.

IT Server:
In 2016, you provided an IT Server for the Al-Aqsa Masjid Library, making its resources easily accessible. This project ensured the historic library had the modern technology it needed to continue teaching its students and preserve Islamic knowledge.
Al-Aqsa Classrooms:
Al-Aqsa is not just a historical site - it is an intrinsic part of the community, where people meet and worship daily, even educating their children at its madrasa. In 2010, your donations furnished the boys’ classroom at Al-Aqsa with desks, chairs and computers, enabling them to continue learning in a comfortable environment.

Wudhu and Toilet Facilities:
Every day, hundreds of Muslims pray and worship in Masjid Al-Aqsa - so it’s essential that the wudhu’ and toilet facilities are well-maintained and easy to use.
- In 2008, you helped us renovate the dilapidated toilet facilities at Bab al-Matharah, including its plumbing and sewage, making the area clean, spacious and accessible.
- In 2014, you helped us renovate the male wudhu’ area at Bab al-Ghawanimah, which had been in disrepair, so it could properly serve the needs of worshippers.
- In 2021, you funded the renovation of the Bab al-Asbat wudu area, which is at the main entrance to the Noble Sanctuary, al-Haram ash-Sharif. This facility serves up to 2,000 worshippers per hour and includes 48 restrooms and ablution places for men and women. The impact of this large scale project was so great that the director of Masjid Al-Aqsa himself sent a message of thanks to our donors.
'Respond to evil with what is best. We know well what they claim.' [Noble Qur'an 23:96]
When the Qibali Masjid was attacked in Ramadan 2021, causing extensive damage, you responded with goodness, supporting vital repair work, including the installation of a new sound system and renovation of the sound conrol room.

How can you help Majid-Al-Aqsa now?
You may be wondering, how can I help Palestine and its Sacred Masjid now?
We are pleased to present you with even more opportunities to earn the immense Sadqah Jariyah rewards of presrving Islam's third holiest site. You can pick from one of our specific projects or give to the Masjid Al-Aqsa Fund.
- Renovating the Bab al-Qattanin Wudu area. Located in the Noble Sanctuary itself, this wudu area needs to be refurbished to repair any damage and improve the quality of its plumbing and sewage systems. Once complete, the Bab al-Qattanin Wudu Area will serve 1,000 worshippers every hour.
- Lighting the Dome of the Rock. Located at the centre of the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa complex, the site is believed to be the exact place where the Prophet (saw) was ascended into the heavens on Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj. Since a prayer offered in Al-Aqsa is worth a thousand prayers, helping to light a lamp in Al-Aqsa carries the incredible reward of praying a thousand prayers. This is on top of the reward of replacing the hazardous lighting that currently exists in the mosque and helping to preserve the history of this Blessed Masjid.
- Qur'an circles of Al-Aqsa.Sponsor the recitation of the Noble Qur'an in Al-Aqsa in your own name or the name of a loved one. Not only are you supporting the reciters, most of whom are elderly residents of East Jeusalem, where over 70% of people are living in poverty, but you are also reaping the massive rewards of prayers offered in Masjid Al-Aqsa.
- Renewing the current PA system. This latest upgrade to the PA system across the entire complex, including the Dome of The Rock Masjid, is almost complete, so donate today to be a part of it.
- Sponsor an olive tree. There are around 700 olive trees within Masjid Al-Aqsa, some of them over 200 years old. These olives are so blessed, Allah swears by them in the Qur'an! What a great reason to sponsor a tree now. What's more, the olive oil they produce is gifted to families living in poverty in East Jerusalem.