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Fidyah for a Day: If you were unable to fast for one day due to sickness or old age, you must feed a needy person two meals.

This Ramadan
Feed The Needy With Fidyah

Who Must Pay The Fidyah

When a person has either become extremely weak due to old age, or they are suffering from an illness which prevents them from fasting, they are required to pay Fidyah (if they have the means).

This payment is used to feed a person in need two meals for the entire month. We recommend a donation of £7 per missed fast.

Who Must Pay The Kaffarah

Those who break or miss a fast intentionally and without a valid reason must fast for 60 consecutive days. If they are unable to do so, they must pay Kaffarah (expiation) for every missed fast.

Kaffarah is used to feed 60 needy people two meals.

For further advice on Fidyah and Kaffarah, you can read more here, or call our donor care team on 0115 911 7222.

Give Fidyah or Kaffarah

Fidyah for a Day

Missed one fast due to sickness or old age? Pay Fidyah (£7) to provide a needy person with two meals.

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Fidyah for a Month

Can't fast this Ramadan due to sickness or old age? Pay Fidyah (£210) to provide 30 needy people with two meals each.

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Kaffarah for a Day

Broke or missed a fast without a valid reason? Pay Kaffarah (£420) to provide 60 needy people with two meals each.

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We understand that choosing the right charity for you can be a difficult task. There are so many things to consider. To help you decide, we’ve compiled a simple list to explain who we are, what we do and (cliché as it sounds) why we are different. Have a read and see why Muslim Hands is the charity for you!

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‘Truly, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him’.

[The Noble Qur'an, 3:159]

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Established in 1993, Muslim Hands is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.