Emergency Food Distribution in Madaya

The town of Madaya in Southern Syria has been under siege since July last year. It is one of fifteen town in Syria said to be besieged and its population is starving to death. Around 30 people are reported to have died of starvation already and families have resorted to eating grass and leaves to try and stay alive. There is no escape for the thousands of innocent citizens in this living hell. The town is surrounded on all sides by landmines.
After shocking images of starving children and elderly were released in the media last week prompting an international outcry, aid agencies were given permission to enter the area for the first time since October. Despite the first distributions of relief, thousands of families are still in grave need and the UN say that hundreds of people need immediate medical assistance because of the affects of hunger and malnutrition.
Muslim Hands' partners have been given permission to access Madaya and after carrying out one distribution last week they are still on the ground preparing for another emergency food distribution which will be delivered within the next two days insha'Allah.